I have a blog post in my head swirling around like a bunch of honeybees desperate to get out, but I just cannot formulate the words. It is something that I am so passionate about and see such a desperation in, but my mind will not let me put it into any kind of order, and it's frustrating, so until I am able to go there, I wanted to tell you about my all-time favorite hymn.
I have always loved this song and felt that it sang my own heart's desire so perfectly, however, I didn't realize the history of it until very recently. Coming from a family of strong Irish descent, I was thrilled to find out that this song originated in Ireland around 800 A.D.
During a time of constant turbulence in the small town of Slane Hill, the songwriter, thought to be St. Patrick, penned these beautiful words after his defiance to an edict of the King. This edict stated that Christians were not to observe Easter in the traditional way of lighting candles the night before, because of a pagan holiday that was celebrated on the same day.
St. Patrick's defiance could have easily cost him his life, but his response to that was this beautiful example of worship that we have here today:
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping thy presence my light.
Be thou my wisdom, thou my true word
I ever with thee, thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I thy true Son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.
Be thou my battleshield, sword for the fight
Be thou my dignity, thou my delight
Thou my soul's shelter, thou my high tower
Raise thou me heavenward, O power of my power.
Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance, now and always
Thou and thou only, first in my heart
High King of heavem, my treasure thou art.
High King of heaven, after victory won
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my vision, O ruler of all.
Amen... Have a great day everyone!