For some reason, I have avoided stating the obvious, which is that my Bloggy Block is still going strong. It's just that everything I think I might blog about sounds boring or repetitive or even whiny and, God forbid, preachy. Let me tell you, this Sistah can PREACH in a post, now. Luckily for all involved, though, I backspace and/or delete my preachin. ;) And Amen.
My point in saying that is this: I am hoping to do a mite better in the old posting department. I'm over-analyzing things and THE MADNESS MUST STOP.
Now, henceforth and tallyho (!) with the mundane....
A great big THANKYA to each of you who gave me suggestions in my musical time of need. I downloaded tons o' tunes and I am absolutely loving it. I have to say, Casting Crowns is probably my high favorite because their overall sound is amazing, but when it's coupled with words from songs such as, Slow Fade (g-r-e-a-t song), Who Am I, and Voice of Truth, it's pure awesome.
I am going to give you some whiplash to say that I'm diggin Toby Mac, too. Of course, Diverse City makes me move, but I
really crank Jesus Freak. I have several others on there, like Selah, Chris Tomlin, Caedmon's Call and, of course, Travis Cottrell, but none of you mentioned Laura Story. Her song Mighty to Save is
gold to me. If the neighbors haven't heard me singing it, it's because they are flat-out deaf. Which might be to their benefit, actually.
Oh, and I have Kung-Fu Fighting on there, too, because...well...that's the Westie Crew's anthem. It just fits. Perfectly, I might add.
Hang on now, because we are about to make another 180, k? I had a hair CATASTROPHE this week, peeps. I needed a haircut in a bad way because I am heading to Atlanta for a superfantabulous girls weekend on Saturday morning. It is kind of a silent rule for me that "Thou shalt not embark on such a mission with overgrown ape hair". Sorry.
Well, my week is tighter than spandex on a cow, so naturally, my regular stylist and I couldn't mesh our schedules. It was at that juncture, that I broke the cardinal rule. Against my better judgement, I went to a random person. I KNOW. I was stupid and desperate and I should have known when the girl in front of me (in the
barren salon) walked out with THE choppiest haircut I'd ever seen. I couldn't leave because it would have been SO obvious, and I'm such a freak about making people feel bad, but inside my head the voices were screaming "Run, you fool, RUN!!"
Instead, I walked to her chair where she proceeded to tell me of her ex-husband who tried to kill her while giving me something largely reminiscent of Winona Ryder bangs from the movie Beetlejuice.
That was the look that I had on my face, too. I paid her (because she probably needed the money for all of her lawyers fees, afterall) and I left. So there I was, sans $35, sportin' the Winona bangs, with absolutely no way of getting my regular stylist to save the day. I was deep in the mire of my consequences for breaking The Code. Bad, BAD Gayle!
Cue: Terri Hanna to the rescue. She hooked me up with Melanie Ashley (don't you just love all the Southern names?) who had pity on my foolish plight and worked me in. 2.5 hours later she had performed her magic with the scissors/razor to get me looking presentable again. Nothing like a good girlfriend to pick up your mat and lower you to the chair of one who's capable. Terri Hanna, I am SO bringing you a Grande Caramel Macchiato WITH whip. You rock.
I guess that's all for now. I've got 50 thousand things to do today, so I'd better get started. Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!