And then he came home.
It took me all of 3.5 seconds to realize that I was indeed THE most unqualified human being on the planet, nay the universe, for this job. One thing was for sure though, what I lacked in qualification I made up for in pure, unadulterated love. This little person was mine and I felt something so new and fierce that I would give my very life to protect his. His being evoked such emotion that I could barely contain it.
His birth was one of the 2 things that God used to open my eyes to see my desperate need for a Savior. He used the deep love that I had for my child to show me that He, as my Father, felt that way (and infinitely more) about me. I needed that, and I welcomed Him into my life shortly after I welcomed my boy.
Ty is my guinea pig kid. All of the twists and turns of parenting are first tried out on him. We have done alright in some situations, thus far, and we have failed miserably in many more. It seems kind of hard that this whole process is a "learn as you go" deal, but I have a sneaking suspicion that God wanted it that way so that we would rely on Him all the more. I just hope that when it's time for Ty to spread his wings and fly that he won't need too much therapy.
I love you so much my sweet, precious, beautiful boy. I can't even believe how fast time has flown. "They" said that it would, but I guess I needed to experience it for myself. You have such a quick wit and you make me laugh unlike any other kid on the planet. You find it hilarious to rile your brothers and sister up, but your heart is a tender one. I watch you process profound truths at an age where all your Mama cared about was what she would wear to school the next day. You love and admire your Daddy more than any other person and I love watching you become a young man who reminds me so much of him.
"And this is my prayer, that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blamelesss until the day of Christ. Filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11
Happy 12th birthday, Ty Michael. We love you like crazy.

Happy, happy birthday Ty!
Can't wait to hear what he thinks of his most awesome birthday present!
Hey girl! Hope you are having a great week and I hope Ty has a wonderful birthday. It's hard to believe he's already 12. I showed Brandi your blog the other day and she remembers you (with blonde hair - so she says), but vaguely. They are growing up sooo fast!
What a precious post. I so felt the same way with my first.
Thanks for the great comment on my blog!!
A life redeemed is a wonderful thing!!
Happy Birthday to your young man!
A Wii? WooHoo!
Happy birthday to a handsome young man! And to his ever-lovin' mama!
Wow! He looks just like you! Happy Birthday Ty.
Y'all are goin' to love the Wii. We've had more fun as a family with that than anything...
Happy Birthday, Ty! They do grow up fast - my oldest will be 12 in December. Can't imagine how the year-before-the-teen-years got here so fast!?
(visiting from Angel's blog)
hey...where'd my comment go? pff.
the jist of it was...happy bday to you both (cuz mama's should get some credit on the birth part) and...
tell your designer not to look TOO close. sweet of you to flatter me though! can't wait to see your new one.
Oh, the joys of being the FIRST. I had to explain them to my oldest child, my little experiment, not too long ago. I'm so glad she's only 9. I'm going to flip when we get to double digits next year.
What a sweet post- happy birthday to your soon-to-be teenager!
I just started recently reading your post and really enjoy them! I have a question though...I am having my fourth in May and started working full-time for the first time this last year. Do you work and how does that work for your family if so with four children. Thanks
Happy Birthday!
It's later'd he like the Wii???
Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!
How blessed you are to be part of such a wonderful family.
And Gayle, I think you make a great little momma!
What a precious birthday post! I, too started my parenting journey 12 years ago. Time does fly and I am so grateful to have my sweet children. :)
God Bless,
Ok, I need to know. How many hours of Wii have you played? It's addicting. Seriously.
Also, please email me with your email address and other info - I want to plan a get-together and don't want to do it thru blog comments. :)
Happy Birthday, Ty!
What a special day! My youngest girl celebrates 17 a week from Saturday! Where does the time go.
Beautiful family, Gayle. Simply beautiful.
Be blessed sweet sister.
I can tell he looks like you.
Happy birthday! He's absolutely beautiful, girl! xoxo
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