Really, the last few days, and the rest of this week, fall under the category of New and Exciting, but it has left me with nary a brain cell to be able to string a coherant sentence together. So I will simply give you the Readers Digest version, and I will do it in bullet points, no less.
*First, we started a 2-day-a-week co-op which we have never done before. I have always done most everything school-wise here at home, but it was time for a change, and this was the perfect fit. I am teaching the K5 class and I LOVE it, yet it has been no small amount of prep. Yeah, my brain is fried on K5.
*Next, I started keeping the sweetest 2 year old little guy while his Mama goes back to work. He is such a sugar and he is running around here right now, hence the reason I am distracted. Oh, and I will say here that it's been about 3 years since I had to change the diaper of a 2 year old. It was rough y'all. ROUGH.
*All of this while I am getting ready for my BIG girls' weekend in Texas. I am so excited and butterfly-ey that I think I have lost 5 pounds in sheer anxiety (the good kind), but hey, I'll take it any way I can get it. I just can't believe that I am only 3 days away from getting to meet some of you face to face!! I'm NERVOUS!!
*Finally, I am typing all of this on my shiny, new, black LAPTOP!! Can I get an Amen? Hold on while I wipe a tear. ~deep breath~ I don't think I have been this happy with a gift since I got a Cabbage Patch AND a Care Bear at the same time for Christmas. I can't wait to give you a play-by-play on the weekend AS IT'S HAPPENING. Because my memory? Not so much something that we should rely on.
Alrighty, I know that this was short, but I guess I had better put this thing down and go make sure nobody is putting their wet fingers in light sockets or anything. ;)

Congrats on the laptop... it will change your life!!! YOUR LIFE!
Lookin' forward to this w/e. Hope I get to meet you.
Sounds like you are busy, busy!
Hope you have too much fun this weekend....and your laptop....AWESOME news!!!!
I am typing this on mine from SD California....I love technology!
Your a busy gal! We started a co-op this year too. My girls love it but yes it does take some prep work.
Have fun with that new laptop.
Love the update.
I was going to call you back yesterday but knew that you had your first day of co-op. Wish my Jewabug was under your care!
We had a pretty good/crazy first day of school around here.
Guess what?? I found your 5 lbs!! They came to visit my hips. I bet 5K is fun, but exhausting! I know you'll do a great job.
2 yr. old diapers---do not even want to go there1 YUCK!
Have a great time this weekend.
This weekend is going to be such fun! Looking forward to meeting you!
Remember this: At least you're not potty training the kid.
Hooray for new technology!
New and exciting for sure! Have fun this weekend. I've never met a fellow blogger - I mean one I didn't know before. Sounds way fun!
Popping in from the Siesta Fiesta blog and wanted to say howdy! I am giddy as well! I am heading down to San Antonio with my bestest friend on Thursday. As our wonderful Pastor often says,
"If this don't light your fire than your wood is wet!"
Ha Ha
Connie Hopkins
Glad you're off to a good week! Hope it just keeps getting better and better. I'm also glad to meet a fellow H.P. Lover in the Homeschooling world. I'm about to read them again to myself. My daughter read them aloud and I loved it, but I'm such a visual person I need to see the words to really get the full picture.
Have a great week!
Busy, busy, busy- you deserve that weekend away. I am jealous- i would love to meet you in RL! One day... Congrats on your lap top!
Yeah for the laptop! Yeah for the weekend! :)
Glad to get a chance to catch up with you and your doing. Take care. Enjoy coop.
texas...well hey, you're half way...why not the west coast too?! i know several of us who would love to see ya! have a fabulous time.
you are going to have so much fun with your laptop and going to TX! I'm a little jealous...but really, really excited for ya!
Hey!! Can't wait to hang with ya in San An! Safe travels!
Enjoy your girls' trip! How fun! I hope you have a good time.
P.S. Congrats on your new lap top, too!
Amen, and Amen! Lap tops rock, although I have no way of knowing this from personal experience. But I do know that Big Girls Weekends in Texas totally rock off the stage.
Woooohooo! Way to go on the laptop, I'm going to sit in silence for a bit and just work on NOT coveting that. I'll try, but honestly, I'm probably gonna covet it.
I'd love to keep getting updates on the co-op, I've not gotten that far with school, but sounds interesting. Have fun with the bloggers, what a blessing that will be! xoxo
I remember the Christmas year of Cabbage Patch & Care Bears !
Have fun w/ the co-op ......
Yay! Looking forward to meeting you!
I looked for you! Did you have a good time?! I totally loved it! Hope you make it home safe.
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