Let me begin by saying that I am continually in awe over the way that God has, quite literally, granted access to people all over the world through this crazy thing called the internet. Some of my most treasured friendships, strangely enough, began right here. All of that to say, it is extremely important to me to be able to pray for my friends. I do consider it my privilege to pray for YOU, the person who takes the time to read this blog. Even if it's your first time here.
However, if you know anything about me, you know that my mind is rather sieve-like. As you can imagine, this has caused me no small amount of issue over the years. The great news is that I am forever in the process of combating it and today is no exception, folks. As I sit here with the wind drying my contacts to brittleness, I am trying to put a few things in order and one of those things is my time with the Lord. I am trying to be more intentional, but that's another subject entirely.
Get to the point, Gayle.
Would you please, ALL of you, let me know how I can be praying for you right now? No request is too small and I can promise you that I will lift it up to the Father. If you leave it in the comment section, then hopefully other sisters can grab the list and be praying, too. But, if there is something that you don't want everyone to see, and you are willing to share it with me, please email me at westiecrew6@gmail.com . I am hoping to compile a tangible list so that I don't have to rely on my poor, overworked, teeny-tiny brain. See? This is how I combat. It's all good.
I had better sign-off before Mark bursts a blood vessel over this archaic grill, but please keep in mind, I can do nothing more powerful for you than to get before the throne of grace on your behalf. So go ahead and spill it, sister.

Good Labor Day to you, dearie. Enjoy that chicken! We're grilling hamburgers later - today is Laura's 6th birthday.
We're beginning to see an overcast sky and some wind gusts here and there. Tomorrow promises to be a doozie - hope this mobile home holds out. Say a prayer for all of us in East Texas tomorrow.
Love & Hugs....
You can pray for me. I really want to become a more intentional mom. At the end of the day, I want to know how I spent my time with my kids instead of wondering where it all went.
What about you? How can I pray for you?
There is really nothing more precious than one who goes before the Father of behalf of her friend(s). Thank you so very much and, by the way, I am semi-new to your blog and loving it.
For myself, I just simply ask that you give Him a little praise for me. He is so good!
I do have a request on behalf of someone else (a friend of a friend). Little (3-year-old) Karli Costley was diagnosed this past week with Retinoblastoma and will certainly lose her left eye in the coming week(s). On Tuesday, the family will meet with an Oncologist and get further information about other details (if the right eye is effected, if the optic nerve is effected and also to receive a course of treatment). There is nothing in my life that compares to this so if you will join me in praying for the Costley's I would so appreciate it.
oops...that should be ON behalf of
same ole same ole here.
Hey Gayle,
How precious your heart must be to God.
My prayer requests are for our finances - and the job opportunity I may have through our church. It is a very good opportunity but will require much favor and truthfully I just want to know if it is God's will.
Also, for my friend's son, Chaz... Just continued prayer there.
And, for my group that begins in two weeks. I have four women signed up so far... For God to just be huge in our midst and bring the equipping necessary that will carry them through this season to healing.
You are precious.
Girl, you are too sweet. I'm sure there are many prayers you could say for me, but all that's on my mind right now is Marsha. Say an extra one for her and David and Tank and Dash.
ps- I'm still laughing about your poop story!
I start my substitute teaching job tomorrow. Today I have a cold. The kind that frequently turns into laryngitis. Pray that I won't lose my voice while teaching kindergarten!
I'll be completely honest. With Chris losing his job last November and beginning again in March (at the same rate), we are finding it really hard to just pay bills every month. God is faithful. And He has never let us go. But this is an area that consumes my thinking sometimes and can overwhelm.
Thank you for asking, Gayle. And please email back and let me know specifically how I can pray for you! Also, where do you live? Email that, too. We moved here to Colorado Springs area from East Texas. So our family is in the line of wind and rain tonight and tomorrow.
Much love to you in Jesus,
Pray that my book will acomplish whatever God intended it to, and for a quick mind for my college classes.
Love ya,
Please pray for Christy and another lady (I don't want to say her name) to come to Wed. Bible study, for the Gustav victims in Louisana, and Penn's friend Paul struggling with cancer.
Hope that is not too much!
Can I pray something for you?
Thanks so much for your encouraging comment! My only prayer request would be that my husband's tests are truly negative for any sign of melanoma. We will know for certain this Thursday. I feel that the Lord has given me peace about this - still, I want to know for sure!
Months ago, I decided to make my blog life a place where I could pray for people and God continues to place them in my path - mostly on HSB (homeschoolblogger.com), where you can read parts of new posts on the home page. When I see a prayer request, I pray for them and usually leave a comment. It's a privilege. May the Lord bless you as you offer up prayers for others!
Hope Gustav goes away soon - but hopefully not toward Round Rock, TX, where my where my sister lives!
hello my friend. I know I usually have something smart alecky to say, but this time, instead, I am going to take you up on your offer. Please be praying that I would trust God and know God. I really want to know Him and not be pulled away with doubt, frustration or just the every day issues of life.
You know that one hymn, um, I think it's Fount of Every Blessing? -- anyhow, it says: "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love". That's me in a nutshell. SO, if you do pray for me, and I believe you because you said you would. Then that is what I am really longing for. To cling to God consistently.
much love, jen
I have a very specific prayer request. I need my baby's placenta to move UP before next Monday's ultrasound. Otherwise the risk to both her and I increases greatly.
You are a doll. I posted about mine last night...dealing with my mom's decline and taking steps toward Hospice involvement. It's hard to watch our parents die.
How precious are praying friends!! I would love for you to pray for my sister Toni--her personal life, spiritual discernment, and financial outlook, and healing in all areas! Thanks you so much. God bless you.
I could always use prayer.
1. Me- consistency in everything
2. Our finances
3. My baby sister (25 years old) who had a baby out of wed-lock and has been estranged from our family for 2 years.
4. My middle sister (30) who has a female roomate and is absolutely not walking with the Lord.
I could go on and on, but those are the ones I've been praying about most frequently.
Thanks, friend! And now, would you please return the favor and share how I can pray for you? I'm all about praying without ceasing while I type, wash dishes, load the washing machine,...;)
What a great ministry you have here. Pray for my friend "Jane" having self esteem & eating disorder issues. Pray for a change of heart in my husband about finances. Healing for Buster's ADHD. Thanks you SO much.
You rock.
My prayer? I'm the mom of 3 girls. 2 of them are toddlers. Nuff said.
Love ya.
I think you know how to pray for us, its the usual stuff - wisdom, financial breakthrough and job for Kurt that compliments the bi-vocational pastoring. One praise to report. Finally, a pediatrician who takes our concerns for Luke seriously and is following through with some testing.
I'm still praying for you - your health and your homeschool concerns. And you know I love you!
And you know.....I just read over what I wrote and the most important thing you can pray for this sister of yours, is just some consistency in pursuing intimacy with my Lord, I pray alot but my time in the Word needs to grow.
I'm seeing a pattern here with some of these gals (myself included)...consistency. It's something I really struggle with. I can do most things for a few days, but taking something for the long haul? Wow, that's tough!
This is very sweet of you to offer prayer ;)
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