So, I must hand over the proverbial mic to you, Awesome Bloggy Friends. The burning question in my mind on this fine Tuesday is two-fold actually, with the first part being this: Do your tastes (for food) change along with the seasons? And if they do, what is something that you get really hungry for at this time of year?
I will answer my own question here with a resounding YES! I seem to crave comfort food the minute the weather starts to even hint at cooling off. Which is NOT good....well, actually it is good, insanely yummy in fact....but it is bad, and I do mean VERY BAD for the ol' thighs if you get my drift.
In other words, if it is carb-laden, sugar-coated or otherwise artery-clogging, I'm all about throwing it back in the most unladylike way. So spill it (but watch out because if it meets the above requirements, I might just snatch it up), what could you eat 2 or 16 of right now?

homemade bread. I am about to make some. Even worse- homemade gooey cinnamon buns. I don't know if I have the will power to make some. As soon as it gets cold, I am so into comfort foods- stews, chicken pot pie, pasta, etc.
Homemade chili, warm chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven.
Homemade chicken pot pie, stews and soups (all kinds), hot and drippy Texas sheet cake, hot apple pie with ice cream, hot chocolate with whip cream, Chili, and a hot Starbucks treat with a friend like you. ;-)
Actually that last for all seasons.
Right now I am chillin' with a can of Planters Nut-rition (digestive health mix). Doesn't it just sound yummy? ;)
Love your new look!
I LOVE your blog!
I love chili and homemade soups! And let's not forget coffee!
Hot cocoa or cappuccino! (But I crave that year round! LOL! I guess that doesn't count.) I know I've said it before, but I love your template. It makes me smile. Have a great day!
Mostly chili. I love chili, and mine isn't very spicy, but it just isn't right to eat it in the summer. Also hot chocolate, but it has to get much colder for that.
Always something Mexican - and of course Gumbo. We're not really very cool over here though...:-(
I'm still into ....salad. And just yesterday, it was so hot that I drove through The Cadillac Coffee Shop and treated myself to a cool Java Chip Frap.
Oh, and uh....Those ARE clouds...Hee-hee....
Love ya ~
Squash slathered in butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, & cloves and Pork Roast.
Soup too; creamy, chowdery, stoup soups with hard crusted bread.
Chili & cornbread.
That's definitely what time of year it is. :)
I like food ALL year around any time any season...but I would like to come to Starbucks with you and Caroline one day...I love coffee and chatting...especially on a chilly day!!!!! Take me pretty please!
Chocolate is a year round food for me. Although I really love soups and stews in the fall.
One I forgot. Pumpkin pie!
bread, fluffy french bread with tons of melted butter.
it's a good thing I don't have a vehicle or money to spend.
I'm thinking Krispy Kreme or pizza :)
I'm not controlled like Em I couldn't eat just 1/2 a donut!!
Amen sister, me too! I could eat five bowls of chili loaded with saltines and ketchup! Or how about baked potato soup...I could do six bowls of that. Oh, wait! I could also down a vat of cooked cabbage and bacon, but only with a 9x13 of cornbread slathered with butter on the side. Did I just say all that?
Louie is very glad he made your kiddos giggle the other day, by the way. I've got more Louie pics where those came from, I'll try to bring him out more often! xoxo
Chili is one thing I only eat during cold weather! Taco soup is another. I also love Mexican cornbread this time of year. Hot chocolate and smores are great also.
Absolutely! This time I year I start thinking about soups and caramel apples. Not together, of course. :-)
Hi I came on over here from 2nd cup! Yesterday was cold and rainy-My little girl was playing at a neighbors and when I came to pick her up my friend was making chilli and planning to make homeade chocolate chip cookies-funny to come here and read your comfort food post! We had homeade taco soup last night.
2 or 16.....
slices of punkin pie for b'fast. ooooh yeah!
Piping hot Chai tea with frosted pumpkin pie spiced biscotti!
I think it's all in my head. Because we have moved to where the seasons are opposite and yet I'm still craving "fall" food. Like elephant ears from the county fair, and big pots of stew with homemade cornbread, and baked oatmeal...
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