***5.5 hours later***
I started typing this post this morning, when I looked out my dining room window to see a HUGE black snake slitering around in my rose bushes. Of course, I was the only person home, so I had to call the 12 year old to give me a refresher course with the bee-bee gun. I missed, so now said HUGE black snake is loose somewhere in my woods. Yes. I AM SKEERED. What is UP with all the reptiles lately?!
But anyway, now I have to hurry up and get to the point because Mark and I have a date night happening tonight (somebody say AY-MEN!). And that point is: Do you have any questions for me for my video on Tuesday? (Carrie, I swear, I didn't snatch your idea! I was going to do this yesterday....Caroline will tell you...).
Please ask me something otherwise you may be subjected to such ramblings as burning spinach once more, and do you really want to go there again? I mean, really? I didn't think so...
So ask away, no holds barred. Maybe. Ok, don't be gross and don't be mean. Now go...

While in Gatlinburg, what was the best part of your trip? AND when can we expect your return?
Ps - I hope you and Mark have a wonderful night out. I want to go see FIREPROOF with my hubbie. Maybe this week.
Yep, we were just talking about this. In fact, I volunteered to film you at Starbucks. I'm so thoughtful like that. ;-) Offer still stands by the way. I could ask the questions like we were on some kind of talk show. That would be so much fun, huh? I'll bring the pretend microphone.
Here is my question:
If you won an all expense paid vacation for you and your family to anywhere, where would you like to go and why??
that's ok, Gayle. I already taped mine today. Turns out I didn't need any questions after all and had a bad case of motor mouth in the end.
It should amuse you.
More rambling, please. Oh pleeeaasseee! Need more rambling!
When did you know you were supposed to homeschool? What are the best and worst parts of homeschooling?
I would like to see the footage of you hunting in the bush with a BB gun, please. pretty please. I have no idea what to do for my clip. I still need to figure out how to do it.
The video is too cute, Gayle. Sarah and I watched it little by little with our ever-so-slow dial-up. You should see the funny faces you can make when the video stops to reload! LOL!!
I have no questions at the moment. I'm sure you'll come up with something to say....LOL.
just another reason for me to lament my dumb old dial up. i am unable to see the video. BUT GROSS about the black snake. I'm glad it was slithering around your rose bushes rather than slithering between your shoes under your desk. Holy cow I just royally creeped my own self out.
Oh, the snake! I cannot believe the hideous things that people report on their blogs which are slithering around their homesteads. Just gives me chills. Would a BB kill a big ol' snake? I CANNOT WAIT to see your video, Girl.
Did you go to the Melting Pot? If so, what fab dessert did you get?
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