We rarely get sick in the Summer and it isn't because we aren't around people. In fact, we are usually around more folks during that time between trips to the pool, cookouts, and the 50 trillion other activities that make up the Most Blessed of All Seasons. It's perplexing, I tell ya.
In an effort not to "share the love" with innocent little kindergarteners, I have stayed home with Andrew and the little boy that I keep. I sent the other three on to co-op this morning, which has given me the fantastic opportunity to tell you how very blessed I am/was by your comments and emails from the last post.
By nature, I am not a "surface" person. I love to dig in and get to the heart of where people are (which isn't something that people always think is endearing, by the way). So many of you afforded me (and others) that honor and I am grateful. Some of your struggles are ones that I can relate so strongly to, that it brought tears to my eyes. And your emails.... I just love each and every one of you all the more, especially your hearts. Hearts that just want what your Father wants. How precious that is in the sight of the Lord.
Thank you for allowing me to stand with you in prayer. I really can't put into words how much it's blessed me. Know that I am not the only one praying either. We have some mighty prayer warriors out there; ones that I tap into pretty regularly, and I know that they are coming back to the comments to pray, too. Which is exactly what I'd hoped for and I LOVE THAT!
Alrighty, I had better go down some more Theraflu. Hey! That reminds me! I meant to ask when I started this post and then got sidetracked (imagine that)..... What is the one thing you can't live without when you're sick? Or two. Or ten. It doesn't matter. Just tell me what makes you more comfy when you feel like you've been walloped upside the head with a baseball bat.
In sickness and in health,

comfort reading, and Sprite.
mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Feel better.
my mom, and ibuprofen. I have a friend who swears by Cold fx, but you have to take it right away. My mom recently has been trying oil of oregano and says that it is good for catching colds before they get too severe. My gramma used to make me lemon tea with honey and a pinch of cayenne. Hope you are all feeling better soon. I mostly hate being sick because it just gets in the way of life! Who has time to rest and lay down with 4 children???
Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement.
the tv and my bed. i don't mind being sick every once in a while since it gives me an excuse to stay in bed and watch tv.
my bed...oh wait, that's something i can't live without period! i love my bed. i hog it completely, i have a dent in it that is just my nitch and it is so wonderfully comfortable! so that's what makes me feel better.
can't help but see something here w/ you reaching out to pray for all of us and now you're stuck in bed sick. GRR!
i for one am so grateful that you are not "surfacey"...life is too short don'tcha think?
hope ya feel better today girl!
Hi Gayle!
SOrry you're not feeling well. And sorry I giggled out loud about "Mark revisiting his lunch"
When I am sick I can't live with out my bed and meds that make me SLEEP! Oh, and a good book.
Oh no. So sorry to hear the Sick Season has already begun at your house. I'll be praying...
When I'm sick, like the others, I want to be in my bed. I love my bed. But more than that, what makes me feel best is knowing that someone is handling the children. I rest better that way.
Yuck...sorry you are sick.
I love the Tylenol with Sinus or Flu or whatever your symptoms are. It doesn't make me feel wacko.
Yes, I loved your last post and comments. I will be praying as well.
I always have to drink Sprite from a straw. And I always eat Saltine crackers. I do not know why. I'm sure it has something to do with my mother.
Mucinex. Spendy stuff, and you might actually feel worse for the first day or so, but after that it is a miracle in a bottle! =)
Hi Gayle!
When I'm stomach-sick, I always like to have ginger-ale. When it's aches and pains, ibuprofen! Plus my favorite blanket and a good book!
You asked in an earlier post (and comment on my blog) how you can pray for me. I've been thinking about it - and the best way to pray for me would be to ask God to help me discern HIS voice and HIS path from everything else going on in my head! Sometimes when you are trying to do so much, you don't always hear His voice clearly. Or if you want something so badly, you sometimes think He's telling you one thing when really it's another! Human nature, right?
Thanks Gayle! Blessings,
ps This is a great idea and after I finish up my prayer corner (almost done!) I will be asking you the same thing! Hope you don't mind!
When I'm sick? A helpful husband. That way I can retreat to bed and sleep.
Love the tylenol sinus stuff. We have the crud over here also. I am also trying the Emergen C ( many, many B vitamins and 1000mg of vitamin C all in a yucky flavored fizzy powder) We'll see, but I think it shortened my oldest's symptoms. I have continued to send mine on to school--too much make-up work. they wash hands constantly and try not to breathe on anyone--sorry but that is where they picked it up so we did not start it!!!!
geez! get better soon, Girl!
Eew. I hate being sick. Hope you feel better. My secret to feeling better is sleep and no kids. That requires hubby.
Nyquil. My sister Jamee used to have a rule that I to this day follow fervently: Once one opens Nyquil, the bottle MUST be finished...even if you aren't sick anymore, need the Nyquil each night until the bottle is empty. Kinda like antibiotics, only with a really really good night's sleep!
Gayle, I read your post and hope I don't embarass you when I say you really do have a servant's heart, it shines right off the page. And in being so giving and loving to so many, you are being Jesus. xo
Garlic, portable dvd player and off duty from kiddos....
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