"Yep." I said as I continued to sit here staring at this screen, "You are absolutely right, Jake. God did make you exactly the way He wanted you." "Now," I said looking up, "why don't you come on over here and tell Mama who's been pickin' on you..."
Jacob jumped right off of that counter just as fast as he got up there and started to race out of the room to go to his next endeavor (he's always running somewhere). But before he got halfway there he quipped, "Let it go, Mama." And then he was outta here like a shot.
Yeah. I'll get right on that, kid. Because going against my natural instinct as a mother comes as easily for me as avoiding sarcasm.

*balled up fists* why don't you tell ME who's been picking on him, too.
Awww. That tugs at the heartstrings. Sounds like he is handling it though!
why is it that the male gender can let go of things so much easier than women? cute kid ya got there! ;o)
oh my goodness! Thats adorable....every bit of it! I'm right there with ya...when it comes to my kiddos, I can turn into the meanest Mama tiger ever. I never knew I had that in me until Grant was born. Letting it go isn't something that comes easily when it comes to our babies! Anyway, I love his thinking on his height!... Love the flair, too ;-)
Isn't God good to make kids so resilient. We wrestle with size issues too. When I took my 9 y-o-s to the Dr. she wanted to test him for growth disorders. His response was, "Mom, I don't think there's anything wrong with me. I think God just made me this way."
I do too son.
That's pretty cute! Aren't they funny sometimes?
"Let it go, Mom." Now that's a lesson I need to learn from him!
Loved that.
I loved that! How sweet and fun! I am very vertically challenged and as a child my mom told me to tell the boy that picked on me in Kindergarten that I was not short I was petite. (She said he would not know what that means and would walk away confused) It worked for me- but manybe not so much for a boy. The funny thing is all of my children are tall. My eight year old is almost my size. His feet are actually bigger than mine now!
All of this just to say....."May I borrow your fun size button?"
I love it. Kids are too funny.
I love the button. I am too short.
I love your video. I couldn't comment on that post. Your add on of ten monkies on speed had me roaring.
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